Once upon a time, about 1200 years ago, there lived a man by the name of Al Mokanna, who ruled the land now known as Persia. His name signified "Veiled," and he was considered a great Prophet of God.
In 1889, in Hamilton, New York, a group of men known as Masons, whose fundamentals of character are honesty, truth, justice, equality, and brotherly love, used as their inspiration the teachings of this great Prophet, Mokanna, to form a new Order. They recognized the need of Happiness, Social Enjoyment, Understanding, Sympathy, and Good Fellowship, and they called themselves the "Veiled Prophets of Mokanna."
In 1919, several Prophets and their wives had the desire to form a woman's organization with the same fine principles. Grand Secretary Otto Hilderbrandt, Past Monarch of Rock Island, Illinois, along with Robert Rexdale, also of Amoo Grotto, and Carl Lundberg of Zal Grotto, Moline, Illinois, met with Josephine Mace, our Organizer, who became our first Supreme Mighty Chosen One and our beautiful ritual was written. It is entirely original, and is founded on an ancient Persian manuscript, a book entitled "The Story of Lalla Rookh."
This Persian tale, our Ceremonial, when presented by an able cast, is a lovely fantasy for all to enjoy. Amoo Caldron, Rock Island, Illinois (now demised) was Number 1; Mohassan Caldron, Davenport, Iowa, is Number 2; Ankara Caldron, Kansas City, Missouri (now demised), was Number 3; and Zal Caldron, Moline, Illinois, is Number 4. Many of the names of our Caldrons were the names of persons, rivers, or places mentioned in the Story of Lalla Rookh. Most of the names of our officers were also found in this Persian book.
In a little Gold Book printed approximately in 1948 states "Caldrons are Organizations for Ladies who are related to the Prophets of the Grotto. They stand for Good Fellowship among its members.”
The Aim of the Daughters of Mokanna is to bring into closer relationship the families of Grotto members. To promote Sociability, Friendship, Charity, Education and Patriotism. The Purpose of this Order is to assist and cooperate with the local Grotto in every way possible. The Daughters of Mokanna stand ready and willing to do so at all times when called upon. Our Endeavor is to make our Ceremonials attractive and full of clean fun. It helps us to forget the troubles and worries of everyday life. Above all, cheerful good fellowship is ever our purpose. We are cordially inviting every Wife, Widow, Mother, Sister, Daughter, Granddaughters, or Legally Adopted Daughter to become a member.